Monday, January 14, 2013

Once Upon A Time...

   Well, here we are, just me and the vast internet world already full of mommy blogs, cooking blogs, and fitness blogs. The most exciting thing of my day is that my three and a half month old daughter, Darcey, intentionally hit the rattle thing on her bouncy chair. The sweet scent of self entertainment is clouding my mind grapes. (Congratulations if you know what "mind grapes" is in reference to. You are probably a very funny person.)
   I did work out a little bit today. I bought the Biggest Loser Wii game well over a year ago, and I could probably count the times I've used it on one hand. However, since as you might have concluded from the mention of my daughter, I recently had a baby, and my body is flabby and jiggly and stretch marked and I do not like it, Sam I Am. It's kind of hard to find a good length of time to really get a real workout in since I can really only get stuff done during nap times, and there are always dishes and laundry and dinners to be taken care of, and now this blog too. Just let me have my excuses. Geez.
   I have been making a conscious effort to eat more healthily though. Please ignore the fact that I made brownies and frosted them with Nutella a few nights ago. I was pmsing-leave me alone. Tonight for dinner we're having chef salad, and for lunch I put spinach and hummus on my grilled cheese, so I'm claiming today as a healthy success.
   I do love going for walks, but it's winter and by that I mean either single digit or negative degrees here (Utah-blech), so going outside is reserved for taking care of the laundry and maybe checking the mail. Come on early Spring.
   I do have a goal to fit back into my size 8 wedding dress by my 2 year anniversary on July 10 of this year. Post baby has me equaling a 12. I'm telling this empty void about it, so that I might be more likely to hold myself accountable to that. I've always been terrible at keeping fitness goals, but sometimes my chest hurts and I don't like the way I look naked anymore, so I figured I better get serious.
  Well, that's my show folks. Tune in next time for possible tales of spit up and stir fry.

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