Sometimes I don't feel like I have anything to say. All of my days are the same-diapers, bottles, nap times, dishes. Over and over and over and over. How do stay at home moms keep their sanity? It doesn't really help that it's winter and freezing and the wee babe is not quite 5 months old. We did attempt a walk the other day when it was decent (27 degrees) outside. We were only out there for 15 minutes though. I'm dying for warmer weather. I feel like I'm wasting away, but actually gaining weight because I'm an emotional/bored eater. Weight loss is hard.
In other news, we gave my munchkin "solid" food for the first time this past week. I feel like she did fairly well. She's still learning, obviously, but it's fun to see her learn and grow. She also rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time on the 11th. She's only done it three times, but she hates hates hates tummy time, so she usually has a big fit before rolling. She still hasn't quite got the back to tummy yet, but she's been close for awhile now.
I also tried a new hairstyle on V day. I wanted to try a pinup type style. I think it turned out fairly well, but my hair is so long that my arms couldn't properly reach the ends to do it totally right. I also put on the most makeup I've worn since I got married over 18 months ago. Remember how I'm lazy about my appearance? I just wanted to wash my face all day and braid my hair instead, but I was determined to wear it all day. I probably won't do that again for another year and a half.
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