Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bucket List

We were watching Parks and Rec the other day and Andy and April went over Andy's bucket list to see what they could do on it. Dan proceeded to ask me if I had a bucket list, which I did not. At least not one written down, so I wrote it down. I'm sure I'll add to it as I remember things and come across new things I want to do, but here it is thus far:

Go to the Amazon
Go on an African safari/see elephants in the wild
Go to Ireland, England, France, Grease, Italy
Go to India
Go to Russia
Go to Egypt/see pyramids
Hike the whole Appalachian Trail
Visit the Grand Canyon
Go to Culinary school
Learn Russian
Learn French
Learn Sign Language
Fit in my wedding dress again
Write a book
Grow a successful garden
Make croissants from scratch
Own a house
Stay at The Grand Hotel (where Somewhere in Time was filmed)

Read all of Dostoevsky
Go to the Idaho Falls temple

Then I thought about things that I've already done that would have been on there, so I can say I do have some things crossed off already:

Get married and sealed

Be a mom

Visit Mayan ruins

Visit the South (Alabama)

Go on a cruise


  1. I love your bucket list. I hope you get to cross them all off.

  2. Italy, Greece, and Ireland have been the top three on my bucket list (of places to visit) for a while. I love this. I think you can do it all. <3 And I love that you included what you've already done!
