Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sisterhood of the Traveling Notebook

I went to the library yesterday and I discovered that Ann Brashares wrote a fifth book in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series, only this one is an adult novel and it's set ten years after the forth book. I'm only a few chapters in, but I'm enjoying it thus far. The Traveling Pants series was one of my favorites in middle and high school. Needless to say this sparked a memory lane trip.
In high school I had a very close group of friends. We called ourselves JAACK-R (Jeka (Jessica), Amanda, Amanda, Cara, and Kelly-Rae). We mostly did a bunch of nothing, watched movies, ate WAY too much ice cream (just kidding, there's no such thing), and went to parks. Occasionally we'd sit outside of gas stations late at night and people watch.

They were all a year ahead of me, and therefore graduated and left for college before me. Since our pants sizes ranged from about 2-10 and no magical jeans were found, or searched for, we created The Notebook. The plan was that each of us would have the mead notebook for a week, using it as a journal, and writing to our "sisters." After our week was up we would send it to the next in line, they'd have it for a week and so on. We did this for at least two years. Granted sometimes someone would forget to send it after a week and would sometimes have it for a month or so, but when it finally got back to you, it was so exciting. Also included with The Notebook was a bracelet that we had made at JAACK-R camp the summer before the rest of them left for college. It had all of our colors intertwined in it (pink, blue, yellow, purple, and green).

And I don't really know how to end this post. We grew up and grew apart, but I would still do anything for those girls.

The end.

Also, here's a cute picture of my baby:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I lover you. And your adorable baby.

  3. Haha =) I enjoy this post. I want to read the fifth book! Jillian got me the first movie for Christmas because I just always want to watch it (though I know it's a hurried condensed and slightly off version of the first book.) But I love stories about friendship and lives intertwined.

    I also love you AND your baby. This post was very happy. I like it. =) Miss you!

  4. A great way to end any post :)
    And such a super idea...the traveling notebook.
