Thursday, May 30, 2013

I'd Rather be Guilty and I Am

So I'm looking on Pinterest this morning during nap time, like usual, only today I'm just annoyed at all of the "Guilt Free" and "Paleo" and "No Carbs" recipes. I like healthy food. I don't have anything against it. I sometimes even enjoy exercise. But I love bread.  I love carby carby carbs. I love cookies and ice cream that aren't 90% banana and coconut milk. Gross. And I looooove dairy. Any diet that says I can't eat grains or dairy is never going to be taken on by me. If, Heaven forbid, I develop a lactose intolerance and a gluten allergy, I would probably end up killing myself by eating those foods anyways. Food should be enjoyed, not endured.

In other news on the 25th we went down to Spring City and Manti with Dan's family for Memorial Day to visit graves and such:

Grandpa Osborne with his brother

Dan and his Grandpa. I think I know what Dan will look like when he's 87. Haha.

Darcey Doo

Manti Temple

Next to her Great-Great Grandparents' Grave (Dan's Mom's Mom's parents)

Darcey is now 8 months old as of the 26th, so Dan let her try to play Zelda


When we say Ta-Da! or Yay! She throws her arms up like this

And I let her help cook... by holding a spoon on the floor away from the food

With her favorite book of nursery rhymes. She really won't let us read anything else to her.

And Dan and I got to go to the temple last night

The End

Monday, May 20, 2013

Food, Books, and a Baby

For Mother's Day we went to see the Mummy Exhibit up in Salt Lake City. They didn't allow anyone to take pictures, so sorry. It was really cool, and at times sad. There quite a few infant/child mummies along with the adults. Darcey did a lot better with the (half) day trip than I thought she would. We drove up during a nap time and she slept in the car. We made sure to get there about 45 ish minutes before our time slot at the museum to give us enough time to give The Darce a bottle. We ate at a restaurant across the street from the museum called Cannella's. I got one of the best sandwiches I've ever eaten. It was called the Beef and Brie and it was divine. The sad part was we had to rush eat to make it to the exhibit on time. My plan is to try and recreate it for my birthday dinner next month.

The only picture we took that day

The next day on actual Mother's Day was my first Sunday in my calling as a primary worker. It was a mad house. I ended up subing for the 4 year old class because a bunch of teachers didn't show up. Let's just say they were restless and not super great listeners.
After church I tried to take a nap, but couldn't, so I just played a Zelda game while Dan and Darcey napped. For dinner I made French toast with strawberries and boysenberry syrup, bacon, breakfast potatoes, and fried eggs. I ate WAY too much, as per usual.

Dan fed Darcey for me in the morning while I was getting ready

Um... let's see.
Oh, I made up this breakfast type pizza for dinner the other night. Instead of sauce on the crust under the toppings I brushed a tiny bit of melted butter, then it had mozzarella cheese, fresh spinach, five eggs (one in the middle and four in a circle around that, then bacon. After it was done cooking I drizzled hollandaise sauce on top of it. You should all be very jealous.

I also started and finished a book called The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. It was really, really good. I hate trying to give summaries of books to people, and this one was definitely too complicated for me to try anyways, but I highly recommend it.
I'm now in the process of reading The History of Love by Nicole Krauss.
Also, on the 18th Gail Carson Levine was at the Provo Library's children's book fair, so I took Darcey over and we watched a puppet show, got a free kids book, and I got my copy of The Two Princesses of Bamarre signed.

Darcey is so very close to crawling. She still ends up pushing herself backwards instead of forwards, but she's still pretty good at getting around the floor.

Left over pictures that I love:

Dan reading Darcey her bedtime story 

Ready for the warm weather

I know this one is blurry, but I just love it anyways

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Food and Celebrations

So for Cinco de Mayo I made tamales and they were delicious and took forever. My sweet husband was nice enough to be on Darcey duty while I put them together. I've made them before, just never with a baby around. Fortunately, it went ok and they turned out great.

Darcey in her bright yellow dress

The next Karate Kid

There's guacamole under the chips and beans under the cheese. Yum. 

And then on Monday I was trying to get the cheerios off of the top shelf and accidenally knocked down a glass bottle full of Glogg which shattered and splattered everywhere. It got to where Darcey was sitting too, but by some miracle she only got a tiny scratch on her nose, and no glass stuck in her. Praise the Lord. It was terrifying. I ended up calling my visiting teacher to come play with Darcey while I cleaned it up. It was a huge mess and tool forever. There's still spots of juice on top of the fridge and some on the walls. I just keep finding more. Also, they just cleaned the carpets like a week ago. I cleaned it up before it stained, but the carpet feels funny to step on where the juice went. Gross.

It look worse than it is here. Once it stopped bleeding, and I cleaned it up, you could hardly see anything.

And today is Dan's 29th birthday. The old fart. Geez. I was very excited about his presents. I got him a replica of the key from The Hobbit (it's made from the same mold as the one used for the movie) and as you can see a book of letters from J.R.R. Tolkien. He loved both. I don't know what I would do if Dan ever got tired of Tolkien. Fortunately, I don't think that will ever happen. 

Also today Darcey had real mashed banana instead of the pureed stuff. She seemed to like it. She also seemed to like dropping in on the floor.

Then we went to Red Robin for lunch and ate way too much

It was also Darcey's first time sitting in the high chair instead of staying in her carseat

It's an hour past my nap time. Take me home!

Then for dinner I made ribs. Yum.

We gave Darcey a little bit of the inside meat without too much spice and no sauce on it and she loved it.

Also cherry pie which Dan has had for every birthday since he can remember. I don't really like cherries, but he also requested rice crispy treats and vanilla ice cream, so don't worry, I'll stay chubby.