Thursday, May 30, 2013

I'd Rather be Guilty and I Am

So I'm looking on Pinterest this morning during nap time, like usual, only today I'm just annoyed at all of the "Guilt Free" and "Paleo" and "No Carbs" recipes. I like healthy food. I don't have anything against it. I sometimes even enjoy exercise. But I love bread.  I love carby carby carbs. I love cookies and ice cream that aren't 90% banana and coconut milk. Gross. And I looooove dairy. Any diet that says I can't eat grains or dairy is never going to be taken on by me. If, Heaven forbid, I develop a lactose intolerance and a gluten allergy, I would probably end up killing myself by eating those foods anyways. Food should be enjoyed, not endured.

In other news on the 25th we went down to Spring City and Manti with Dan's family for Memorial Day to visit graves and such:

Grandpa Osborne with his brother

Dan and his Grandpa. I think I know what Dan will look like when he's 87. Haha.

Darcey Doo

Manti Temple

Next to her Great-Great Grandparents' Grave (Dan's Mom's Mom's parents)

Darcey is now 8 months old as of the 26th, so Dan let her try to play Zelda


When we say Ta-Da! or Yay! She throws her arms up like this

And I let her help cook... by holding a spoon on the floor away from the food

With her favorite book of nursery rhymes. She really won't let us read anything else to her.

And Dan and I got to go to the temple last night

The End


  1. I'd rather be guilty as well. Food is delicious.
    You have the cutest daughter around. I can't get over how adorable and big she is.

  2. Fun fun fun! Is that sunburn on her arm? How did she do at Zelda? It sure looks like you guys have a great life :)

  3. I hear that! I don't believe in eating food if you have to force it down and if it doesn't fill you up. Because, let's face it, you're never EVER going to stick with a diet like that, and also you're going to just get hungry and order some cheesy bread, anyway. That's why I've been trying to just add fruit or vegetables to what I already like to eat. =)

    Also, you do have the cutest baby girl. Pretty. Dang. Cute.

    I am also glad that you honored some graves on Memorial Day. Reminds me of bygone springs with Grandma. <3 Love you!
